I painted this kid at a Google Luncheon for employees and their families.
Boys will be boys! (more on that later)

This one was at the same Google function. It's my own take on the ever popular Spidey-guy. Obviously, very pleased with himself!
I recently ordered some training videos for new inspiration and hopefully to take my skill level up a notch. This is from Mark Reid's "Boys Will Be Boys" dvd.

The following three designs are from Silly Farm's website. They have a bunch of training video clips there with tons of ideas and techniques. Here, I'm trying to come up with some fun Christmas designs for an upcoming Grand Opening Celebration I was scheduled for at Klindt's Bookstore, The Dalles, Oregon.
My daughter has been taking an interest in attending basketball games lately.
This was a big hit with the local fans at Horizon Christian School.
"We just gotta win!"